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The Great Coffee Confusion : Arabica or Robusta?

Chai? Filter kaapi? No matter your cup of life, understanding the beans behind it all is key to unlocking a deeper coffee experience. And in the ring of caffeinated titans, two heavyweights stand tall: Arabica and Robusta. But which reigns supreme for Indian coffee connoisseurs? Let’s brew ourselves a cup of knowledge and explore the thrilling differences between these bean brothers!


Arabica: The Regal Bean

Taste: Imagine sipping on smooth, nuanced notes of chocolate, fruit, and even florals. That’s Arabica, the undisputed king of flavor. Its lower acidity makes it gentle on the palate, perfect for savoring the subtle complexities.

Aroma: A delicate fragrance, like freshly baked bread or blooming flowers, announces the arrival of Arabica. It’s an enticing invitation to dive into a sensory paradise.

Caffeine Kick: Don’t be fooled by its refined air. Arabica packs a decent punch, with around 1.2% caffeine content. Just enough to awaken your senses without sending you on a jittery roller coaster.

Cultivation: This diva demands prima donna treatment, thriving in high altitudes and cool temperatures. Think misty mountain slopes and volcanic soil – a far cry from the sweltering plains of India.

Robusta: The Rugged Underdog

Arabica Robusta

Taste: Robusta bursts onto the scene with a boldness that can border on bitterness. Think earthy, woody notes with a pronounced grainy edge. Not for the faint of tongue, but definitely an acquired taste.

Aroma: This bean isn’t afraid to make a statement. Its pungent, almost rubbery aroma packs a punch. Imagine roasted peanuts and dark chocolate – an intense olfactory experience.

Caffeine Kick: Buckle up, coffee cowboys! Robusta boasts a whopping 2.2% caffeine content, almost double that of Arabica. One sip can send you soaring into energy overdrive.

Cultivation: Unlike its high-maintenance counterpart, Robusta is a survivor. It thrives in hot, humid conditions, making it perfectly suited for the Indian climate.

So, who wins the Indian coffee crown?

Honestly, there’s no clear-cut victor. It depends on your personal preferences!

Arabica: If you’re a flavor explorer seeking a nuanced, balanced cup, Arabica’s your soulmate. But be prepared for a slightly higher price tag and limited availability in India.

Robusta: Craving a strong, intense coffee kick? Robusta’s your champion. Its affordability and local availability make it a budget-friendly favorite.

At Mangalambika, our default blends are predominantly Arabica. However, we add Robusta beans to predefined levels, in order to bring out the best of both in every cup of coffee that you savor. That is the secret behind why our customers keep craving for our coffees.

Ultimately, the best way to choose is to experiment! Sample both beans, brewed in different styles, and discover your own coffee swarga. Remember, the perfect cup is the one that makes you smile (or scream “yes, yes, yes” depending on the Robusta dose).